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Fulton Vision Development Center
402 W Chickasha Ave., #210 in Chickasha, OK
405-224-EYES (3937)

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Fulton Vision Development Center


What is Vision Therpay?

Vision Therapy is a series of procedures that retrains the brain to improve visual skills, like eye movement control and eye coordination. The procedures are done in office under professional care and supplemented with exercises and activities done at home. In vision therapy, we use several different tools and exercises to help the brain and the eyes learn to work together in unity. Some of these tools include prisms, colored lenses, Brock Strings, and HTS computer games.

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Home » Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy

Vision is a process of identifying, organizing, interpreting, and understanding what is being seen. The vision process integrates sensory and motor information that comes from the brain and it is always changing to derive meaning and direct movement. Vision involves 20 visual abilities that have been learned and developed since birth. Experience is one of the most important in vision development.

Vision Therapy is used to treat various disorders such as Convergence Insufficiency, Ocular-Motor Disorder, Strabismus, Amblyopia, among many others which include learning-related vision disorders. Typically, parents or teachers notice signs that a child may have a vision problem, however, Vision Therapy is not just for children. Regardless of age, vision can always be improved and strengthened. That’s the incredible thing about the brain: it can be retrained, learn new techniques, and take in constant new information!

Vision Therapy sessions include procedures designed to enhance the brain’s ability to control:

  • Eye alignment
  • Eye tracking and eye teaming
  • Eye focusing abilities
  • Eye movements
  • Visual processing

Signs of Learning-related Vision Problems

Physical Signs to Watch For:
  • One eye turning in or out
  • Squinting, eye rubbing, or excessive blinking
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Headaches or dizziness after reading
  • Head tilting, closing, or blocking one eye while reading
May Be Labeled As:
  • Lazy
  • Working below potential
  • Dyslexic
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Slow Learner
  • Behavior Problems

Performance Signs to Look For:
  • Avoids “near” work
  • Frequent loss of place when reading
  • Omits, inserts, or rereads letters/words
  • Confuses similar looking words
  • Failure to recognize the same word in the next sentence
  • Poor reading comprehension
  • Letter or word reversals after the first grade
  • Difficulty copying from the board
  • Poor handwriting, misaligned numbers
  • Books held too close to the eyes
Symptoms Secondary to Physical & Performance:
  • Smart in everything but school
  • Low self-esteem, poor self-image
  • Temper flare-ups, aggressiveness
  • Short attention span
  • Fatigue, frustration, stress
  • Irritability

Fulton Vision Development Center is the only facility in Southwest Oklahoma that provides visual information processing evaluations and Vision Therapy

For questions, to refer a child or adult to our office, or to book Dr. Fulton for a presentation or meeting concerning vision therapy and pediatric vision, please call 405-224-EYES (3937) or email us. Symptoms Checklists, brochures, information packets, and business cards are also available to be dropped off, emailed, or mailed directly to your location.

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